Bilgisayar Mühendisliği

Postgraduate Programs

Computer Engineering Graduate Studies Program

Computer engineering is one of the oldest and most comprehensive engineering branches that apply the principles of mathematical science, mainly in the fields of algorithms, programming, software, and hardware. In the department of Computer Engineering at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, research is conducted in the following areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Computer Graphics 
  • Virtual Reality
  • Robotics and Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV)
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Cyber Security
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Scientific Computing
  • Parallel Programming
  • Distributed Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • Fuzzy Logic

The objective of the graduate program is to train individuals aiming to specialize in these fields by:

  • Teaching state-of-the-art theoretical knowledge
  • Developing practical skills through experiments
  • Developing algorithm, analysis, and software skills
  • Being able to analyze and interpret theoretical, experimental, and numerical results.

The language of education in all programs is English. All students who wish to carry out their graduate studies at the department have to certify their proficiency in English. Master (MSc) program duration is 2 years and a student must complete it within a maximum period of 3 years. The first year is considered for course taking and the last year is for Thesis studies. If it is needed, one more year can be added to the duration. Doctorate (Ph.D.) program duration is 4 years and a student must complete it within a maximum period of 6 years. One year is considered for course taking and three years for Ph.D. dissertation studies. If it is needed, two more years can be added to the duration. Doctoral candidates who complete their courses are required to take the Doctoral Qualification Exam. The Doctoral Qualification Examination Regulations can be downloaded here.

Scientific Preparation

When a student who has received an undergraduate degree in a program other than Computer Engineering/Science is accepted to either of the Computer Engineering Master's or Doctorate Programs, he/she will be asked to take 4 courses in the Scientific Preparation Program. These students must first successfully complete the Scientific Preparation courses. Those who have taken similar courses to the ones in the Scientific Preparation Program may be exempt from taking all or some of the preperatory courses. It is obligatory to complete the Scientific Preparation Program in one academic year. The period spent in the Scientific Preparation Program is not counted towards the graduate program.

Scientific Preparation courses consist of the following four courses:


Admission requirements

Official admission requirements are announced before each admission period on the website of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The requirements listed here are for information only:

  • Required BSc GPA 2.5
  • Required MSc GPA 3.0
  • Required ALES (Taken in last 5 Years) Score for MSc program 70
  • Required ALES (Taken in last 5 Years) Score for PhD program 75
  • Required Foreign Language for the Master's Program (KPDS/ÜDS/YDS/other equivalent exams taken in the last 5 years) Score 60
  • Required Foreign Language for the Doctorate Program (KPDS/ÜDS/YDS/other equivalent exams taken in the last 5 years) Score 65
  • Candidates who do not have scores of accepted English language exam results must take the University’s Foreign Language Proficiency Exam in order to be exempt of the English preparation class.

Candidates should follow the call for graduate programs to be announced on to apply to the programs. Students are accepted once a year generally for Fall Term, rarely twice a year for both Fall and Spring Term.

Students who applied to Master's or Ph.D. program will be given an exam covering the following topics.

1. Object Oriented Programming with Java
2. Data Structures
3. Algorithms


Course enrollment

Students of both programs (Master's and Doctorate) must enroll in 7 courses in addition to FBE900 Research Methods and Ethics course to graduate. Doctoral students who have taken this course during their master's studies should apply to the head of the department with a petition to be exempted from the course. It is mandatory to take the Advanced Engineering Mathematics course or a course with similar content. Doctoral students who have taken this course during their master's studies (the course must be taken and passed less than five years ago as of the end of the semester in which the relevant course has been taken) will be exempted from this course. In case the Advanced Engineering Mathematics course is taken, it will be included in the 7 courses that must be enrolled. Students who are exempt from this course must take 7 courses. Both Doctorate and Master's programs students should also take the Seminar course during the last semester they are completing their coursework. Master’s program students must submit their Master's Thesis Proposal to the institute during the following semester until the period which will be announced by the institute. Doctoral students who completed their courses and seminar must take the Doctoral Qualifying Exam on the date which will be announced by the institute. These students must submit their Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal to the institute after the Ph.D. qualification exam within a maximum of six months. Both of Doctorate and Master's programs students must take the SPECIAL STUDIES course each semester. They should also take the MASTER's THESIS course or the Ph.D. DISSERTATION course until graduation after they have started their thesis work. Students should decide together with their supervisors on the courses which will be taken and do their enrollment by logging in at within the periods specified in the academic calendar.


Course List

CENG 503 Computer Aided 3DFacial Reconstruction
CENG 505 Advanced Computer Graphics
CENG 509 Design Patterns
CENG 511 Advanced Reid Systems
CENG 513 Prolog and Language Processing
CENG 515 Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers
CENG 517 Real Time Programming
CENG 519 Advanced Wireless Communications Networks
CENG 521 Advanced Database Systems
CENG 523 Advanced Modelling and Simulation
CENG 525 Advanced Digital Image Processing
CENG 541 Research Techniques
CENG 543 Advanced Fuzzy Systems
CENG 545 Advanced Cyber Security
CENG 549 Principles of The Mechanism of Computation
CENG 550 Advanced GPU Computing with CUDA
CENG 551 Research Methods and Ethics in Computer Engineering
CENG 553 Virtual Reality
CENG 560 Advanced Computer Networking
CENG 567 Cyber Physical Systems I
CENG 569 Model Checking
CENG 573 Cybersecurity Essentials
CENG 592 Selected Topics in Computer Engineering
CENG 502 Parallel Algorithms
CENG 504 Applications of Artificial Neural Networks
CENG 506 Advanced Data Mining
CENG 508 Distributed Systems
CENG 510 Logical Principles in Programming
CENG 512 Optimization Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence
CENG 514 Cloud Computing
CENG 516 Software Verification Techniques
CENG 520 Computer Vision
CENG 522 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
CENG 524 Advanced Machine Learning
CENG 542 Advanced Mobile Application Development
CENG 562 Advanced Computer System Architecture
CENG 564 Modeling and Animation of Natural Phenomena
CENG 566 Advanced Computational Linguistics
CENG 568 Cyber Physical System II
CENG 570 Advanced Computer Security
CENG 572 Cyber Physical System Security
CENG 574 Advanced Information Retrieval
CENG 576 Intelligent Robots
CENG 578 Cognitive Computing
CENG 580 Blockchain: Fundamentals and Applications
MATH 511 Advanced Engineering Mathematics I
MATH 512 Advanced Engineering Mathematics II
MATH 513 Algebraic Coding Theory I
MATH 517 Coding Theory and Cryptology
SCI 111 Philosophy of Science