Bilgisayar Mühendisliği

Message of the Chair

Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University; The Department of Computer Engineering aims to train computer engineers who can offer solutions to today's problems, come up with new ideas and have strong social communication skills. In line with this goal, we direct our students to project-oriented work during their undergraduate education without compromising the understanding of quality education. The theoretical knowledge acquired in most of the technical courses is reinforced by applying in the laboratory courses and with the projects given. The roots of computer science go deep into mathematics and engineering. For this reason, the first two years of undergraduate education in our department are mainly math and programming lessons. In the last two years of undergraduate education, besides the compulsory basic software and hardware courses, elective technical and social courses are given according to the student's field of interest. Computer Engineering is one of today's popular professions. The most important reason for this is that the business fields of computer engineers are unlimited. Computer engineers work in many sectors such as computers, telecommunications, energy, biomedical engineering, aviation and space, manufacturing, entertainment, finance, transportation and automotive. In parallel with this, computer engineering is a profession that has shaped our age by offering solutions and innovations in many fields and has a great importance. We are waiting for our department to give you this training.


Prof. Dr. M. Fatih DEMİRCİ