The duration of the master's program with thesis is four semesters, excluding the time spent in scientific preparation, regardless of whether the students enrolled for each semester or not, starting from the semester they are enrolled, and the program is completed in six semesters at most. Failed to successfully complete the credit courses and seminar courses included in the curriculum at the end of four semesters or fail to meet the success provisions / criteria foreseen by the relevant institute within this period; The student who fails in the thesis study or who does not enter the thesis defence within the maximum duration is dismissed from the University.
The duration of completion of the master's program without thesis is at least two semesters and at most three semesters, regardless of whether or not students are enrolled for each semester, starting from the period when the courses related to the program in which they are enrolled are registered, except for the time spent in scientific preparation.
Students who fail at the end of this program or fail to complete the program shall be dismissed from the higher education institution.
The Ph.D. program is eight semesters, regardless of whether or not students are registered for each semester, starting from the period when the courses related to program in which they are enrolled, for those who are admitted with a master's degree with thesis, except for the time spent in scientific preparation, and the maximum completion duration is twelve semesters; For those admitted with a bachelor's degree, that is ten semesters and the maximum completion duration is fourteen semesters.
The maximum duration of successful completion of credit courses required for the Ph.D. program is four semesters for those admitted with a master's degree with thesis, and six semesters for those who are admitted with an undergraduate degree. Students who fail to successfully complete their credit courses during this period or who cannot achieve a GPA of at least 3.00 (BB) shall be dismissed from the University.
Students who successfully complete their credit courses, who are successful in the proficiency exam and whose thesis proposal is accepted, but who have not completed the thesis study until the end of the twelve or fourteen semesters specified in the third paragraph, shall be dismissed.
Students who have applied to the doctorate program with a bachelor's degree, those who have not completed their credit courses and / or thesis study within the maximum period, and those who have not been successful in the doctoral thesis, are granted a master's degree without thesis upon their request, provided that they have fulfilled the necessary credit load, project, and other similar requirements.