Title, Name and Surname |
Department |
Position |
Office Phone Number |
E-Mail |
Prof. Dr. Sadettin ORHAN |
Mechanical Engineering |
Chairman |
0312 906 2346 |
sadettinorhan@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Niyazi ŞAHİN |
Mathematics |
Vice Director |
0312 906 2312 |
niyazi.sahin@aybu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr.Mahmut Cem YILMAZ |
Civil Engineering |
Vice Director |
0312 906 2245 |
mahmutcemyilmaz@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. M. Fatih DEMİRCİ |
Computer Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2276 |
mfdemirci@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Asaf Behzat ŞAHİN |
Electrical Electronics Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2258 |
absahin@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mete GÜNDOĞAN |
Industrial Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2261 |
mete.gundogan@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Hasan OKUYUCU |
Materials Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2340 - 2264 - 2202 |
hasan.okuyucu@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Selahattin ÇELİK |
Mechanical Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2342 |
selahattincelik@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Bülent YEŞİLATA |
Energy Systems Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2351 |
byesilata@ybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ergün ERASLAN |
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2262 |
eeraslan@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mete GÜNDOĞAN |
Engineering and Technology Management |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2261 |
mete.gundogan@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Aytunç ATEŞ |
Management of CBRN Threats |
Head of Department |
0312 906 1797 |
aates@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin CANBOLAT |
Defense Technologies |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2255 |
huseyin.canbolat@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Salih YİGİT |
Aerospace Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2583 |
asyigit@aybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Lutfullah TURANLI |
Civil Engineering |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2256 |
lturanli@ybu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Fatih KOYUNCU |
Mathematics |
Head of Department |
0312 906 23287 |
fatihkoyuncu@aybu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeyda EMEKCİ |
Architecture |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2468 |
semekci@aybu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nimet YILDIRIM TİRGİL |
Biomedical Technologies |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2268 |
nyildirim.tirgil@aybu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah DİLSİZ |
Post-Disaster and Post-War Reconstruction and Rehabilitation |
Head of Department |
0312 906 2314 |
adilsiz@aybu.edu.tr |