Language Education Application and Research Center

Turkish Courses

Türkiye, a rising power in a changing global order as well as a significant regional actor, is a kind of a bridge between Asia and Europe geographically as well as socially, culturally and politically. Turkish language, spread over a large geographical area and spoken in a widespread manner with its various dialects througout the world, will provide you certain advantages both in your educational life and in post-graduation period to catch career opportunities either in Türkiye or in various other Turkish-speaking regions.

As learning Turkish, integrated to Turkish culture and lifestyle, is a reinforcing and comprehensive kind of foreign language learning method, your Turkish learning experience in our university will be easier and full of fun with cultural sightseeing tours, poetry recitations, concerts and various other social activities as the reinforcers of the Turkish courses offered by our university.

As our Turkish courses, organized according to language levels determined in accordance with “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR) criteria, are conducted by our field expert academicians, the said courses and their ceritificates are structured on a 6-level scale as A1-A2, the basic level, B1-B2, as the intermediate level and C1-C2, as the advanced level.

Alongside general Turkish courses, Intensive Turkish Courses and Preparatory Courses for “Turkish Exam for Foreigners” are being conducted in our language centre as well. You can easily get your Course Completion Certificate or Turkish Proficiency Certificate with the said courses.


Please click to to the below-mentioned link to register for the Turkish course.