Erasmus+ KA131 student mobility for studies is one of the many projects under Erasmus+ that allows higher education institution students to spend one or two semesters of their education in a higher education institution in a European Union Erasmus+ programme country. In order to carry out the mobility activity, your department must have an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement with the relevant department in a higher education institution with Erasmus+ University Charter (ECHE) in a European Union Erasmus+ program country.
The aim of the programme is to improve the quality of higher education in Europe and strengthen its European dimension. The Erasmus+ programme strives to achieve this goal by promoting inter-country cooperation between universities; by enabling the exchange of students and educators across Europe; by contributing to the development of academic recognition and transparency of studies and degrees obtained in the countries participating in the programme. In Europe, which offers higher quality higher education, graduates will be better equipped for and more responsive to the expectations of the business world.
The Erasmus+ programme gives you the opportunity to experience abroad, to learn in a multicultural environment, to get to know different cultures, to introduce Turkish culture, to make new friends, to be a student in a different school and to see a different system.
Erasmus+ KA131 student mobility for studies can be for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. The duration of the exchange is determined by the Erasmus+ bilateral agreement of the department/faculty. Mobility activities lasting less than 3 months are not included in the scope of Erasmus+ student mobility for studies and cannot be granted.
Undergraduate and graduate level students studying full-time at a higher education institution holding an ECHE can benefit from Erasmus+ KA131 student mobility for studies.
No. In order to apply for Erasmus+ KA131 student mobility for studies, you must already have a GPA at AYBU. For this reason, prep class students and students in their first semester of undergraduate level cannot apply for the programme.
Disabled students are given additional points during evaluation of the applications, provided that their disability is documented, and additional grant support in case they are entitled to participate in the mobility with grant.
Yes. Students who have the minimum academic average (undergraduate: 2.20 graduate: 2.50) can participate in the programme.
No. Your department must have a bilateral agreement with the same department in the host school. You can find out whether your department has an agreement and if so, with which country/university via the link below:
Yes. For example, you can use the laboratory facilities equally. However, facilities (photocopying, etc.) that are chargeable for other students are also available to you, provided that you pay the same fee.
The Erasmus+ programme is not a "foreign language learning programme".
The Erasmus+ programme is not a "scholarship" programme.
The Erasmus+ programme is not a "diploma" programme.
If the institution you are travelling to offers a language course, we recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity.
It is an agreement signed by two universities within the scope of the Erasmus+ programme, involving the exchange of students and/or teaching staff members for a period agreed upon by the institutions.
In order to carry out the mobility activity, your department must have an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement with the relevant department in a higher education institution with Erasmus+ University Charter (ECHE) in a European Union programme country. Bilateral agreements are signed between the departments of the universities by the authorised persons of the universities stating that certain number of students/staff members from certain departments from a certain university will carry out their Erasmus+ mobility at a host institution for a certain period of time. Universities request grants from the centre (Turkish National Agency) for their total bilateral agreement capacity. The Centre evaluates the grant requests received at the beginning of the academic year by checking the university's performance in the previous year and its own budgetary possibilities. Bilateral agreements are implemented to the extent that the Centre can afford. However, no agreement to be made can be for a specific student. Every agreement is a ground for exchange on behalf of the institution and is open to the benefit of all students.
If your department does not have an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement, you can contact your Erasmus+ department coordinator and indicate your wish to make an agreement. You can access the coordinator list from the link below:
No. Departmental coordinators initiate the correspondence for the bilateral agreement.
No, each student can only participate in Erasmus+ mobility activities through the higher education institution where she/he is a student.
No. As an Erasmus+ student, you can only go to universities with which your department has an agreement.
No. The Erasmus+ programme is an institutional project. You can only benefit from the Erasmus programme through the higher education institution where you are a student or staff member, only after application and selection.
The student who will go abroad as an Erasmus+ student must know a certain level of foreign language. This may not necessarily be the language of the host country. The English language is largely a unifying language within European countries. However, host institutions may require a certificate in the language of the host country. The student must have a good command of English or the language of the host country to fulfil the requirements of Erasmus+ KA131 student mobility for studies. Before starting the activity, it is necessary to know which language or languages are accepted in the host institution.
Yes. While selecting the Erasmus+ KA131 student mobility for studies students, 50% of the grade point average out of 100 and 50% of the language score are taken and according to the calculated weighted average, the number of students allowed by the bilateral agreement quota becomes Erasmus+ candidate students. Students who want to apply for the programme are obliged to take the foreign language exams held at the places and dates announced on our page and page during the application periods and to get a minimum score of 70/100. Apart from the Erasmus+ exam conducted by our university, a valid language exam result (70/100), which is recognised by ÖSYM, and which has been taken within the last 5 years as of the exam result announcement date, can also be used in the application.
You can apply to go without grant.
Yes, it is possible if the student receives approval for the second semester from the host institution, our office and the department at AYBU. The extension request for the second semester must be completed at the latest 1 month before the end of the first semester. For example, if the first semester ends on 31 January, the approval procedures must be completed on 31 December at the latest. After the approvals are received, all the before the mobility procedures in our "Step by Step Erasmus+" document must be fulfilled again. The student has to spend the second semester in the host institution without grant. Even if the student will spend the second semester without grant, the grant agreement must be signed again, and the faculty must be applied for a semester permission gain.
No. Students may be nominated to other universities in their preference list due to quota limitations imposed by host universities, academic calendar mismatches (nomination and application dates have passed) and various rules. For example, if the quota at University A, which is the first choice of a student, is full, the student is nominated to University B, which is the second school on the preference list. In case there is a quota at University B, but the student cannot meet the language requirement of this university, etc., the student is nominated to University C, which is the third school in the preference list. Yet, since the student randomly put a school in the preference list without checking the requirements, our office is not obliged to nominate the student to another school. Students should be careful when creating their preference lists. In this example, not being admitted to University B because of not meeting the language requirement is entirely the student's own responsibility. If a student cannot be placed in one of the universities included in the preference list due to quota limitations or different rules applied by the host universities as mentioned above, the student cannot benefit from the activity. However, the student will not be subject to -10 points in future Erasmus+ applications.
You can withdraw from the mobility within the time period specified in our application call. In case you wish to withdraw outside of this allowed period and there is no force majeure, you will be subject to -10 points in your next Erasmus+ mobility application.
You should write the name of your departmental Erasmus+ coordinator and get her/his signature.
The information is on our web page.
Each student prepares a learning agreement with the department Erasmus+ coordinator before his/her study abroad. In the learning agreement, the names and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits of the courses to be taken by the student at the host institution and the equivalents of these courses at AYBU are specified. The course catalogue of the host institution is usually available on the web page of the universities. The learning agreement requires the approval of the Erasmus+ department coordinator of both institutions as well as the student. In order for us to sign a grant agreement with the student, the learning agreement must be already fully signed. Changes to be made to the learning agreement for various reasons must be made within 1 month at the latest following the start of the academic term at the host institution and must be approved again by both parties.
Choose courses that meet the Erasmus+ L.A criteria. The total number of ECTS credits of the courses taken at each university (home and host) should be minimum 30 ECTS credits. The number of the ECTS credits allocated to a course at AYBU and a course at a host university might be different. Finding equivalent courses might be difficult. It is not possible to expect the course contents to be the same at AYBU and the host universities. If equivalents for the must/required courses are not available, students (with the approval of their Erasmus+ departmental coordinators) can take courses from upper/lower levels and from other departments/faculties. Graduate level students, too, must have a course load of minimum 30 ECTS credits. However, these courses do not have to be courses which students physically attend, and which include exams to be taken by students. If the host institution allows (not all of them do), students can carry out their thesis-related activities such as research, data collection and/or seminar at the host institution but these activities, in total, need to be allocated minimum 30 ECTS credits and this needs to be stated on the learning agreement and approved by both institutions.
Each university has a different system. Some universities may send acceptance letters earlier than the normal deadline, while some universities may send them late. If there is a situation that develops outside the normal process, you can send an e-mail to the other university to request the acceptance letter.
The learning agreement is a document that specifies the courses you will take at the university you are going to, together with their credits. It specifies the courses you will take there and their equivalents at AYBU.
The credits for the course at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University in the learning agreement will be recognized in your transcript.
You can send your document to our e-mail address (after signing yourself first, you can send the scanned document) to be signed by our office coordinator.
Immediately after you are selected as an Erasmus+ student, please contact the consulate of your host country. Visa procedures and required documents vary depending on the country. Check the embassy/consulate website of the relevant country. Be very careful to submit all the required documents. When the student receives their acceptance/invitation letter, they have to upload their acceptance/invitation letter, their fully signed learning agreement and the visa letter demand form to ErasmusPort and inform AYBU IRO via e-mail ( Students are also obliged to submit other documents required by the embassies and consulates of the host countries. Our office does not apply for visa or prepare/submit these documents on behalf of the students.
Yes. Green passport holders can only stay in the host countries for 3 months (180 days) without a visa. Since the semesters at universities last longer than 3 months, students are required to obtain a visa. A grant agreement cannot be signed with the student without student first obtaining a visa.
The fact that some consulates demand visa fees is entirely at the discretion of those institutions. Because these institutions are independent within the countries they are located in, such practices are completely related to the countries they are affiliated with.
In case there is a possibility that your visa application might be rejected, you can register for courses at AYBU for that semester. However, you will have to drop these courses in case you get your visa. You are advised to check with your faculty whether you can drop them or not. You cannot take courses at two institutions at the same time.
If you cannot get visa, it is obligatory to register for the courses and continue your studies at AYBU.
Whether you are welcomed at the airport, bus terminal or railway station in the host country is entirely at the discretion of the host university. There is no binding provision in this regard.
It is not the responsibility of the universities to arrange accommodation for students. During student’s application to the host university, information about accommodation options is usually sent to the student by the host institution. The international office of the host institution may also provide you with information and advice on where to stay and what accommodation is available at the university and in the city. Remember that neither home nor host institution is responsible for arranging accommodation.
Although each country has different requirements, choose the most comprehensive health insurance with international validity.
Yes. You have to pay university fee to AYBU. However, you do not take courses at AYBU.
No. However, you may be charged for photocopying, use of lab materials etc. that other students are charged for.
The orientation programme provides practical information about the documents to be prepared by the students, the difficulties they may encounter and the issues to be considered.
An orientation programme is usually held for incoming students by the host institutions. This is usually organised by the Erasmus+ office or a student club. You are strongly advised to attend these orientation meetings.
Yes. However, the changes to be made on the learning agreement must be made within 1 month at the latest following the start of the academic term at the host institution and must be approved by our office and academic coordinators at both institutions. Please note that the same credit limit is still applied (30 ECTS).
The recognition process upon student’s return to AYBU is carried out under the guidance of the AYBU departmental Erasmus+ coordinator based on the transcript received by the student from the host school.
The European Credit Transfer System is an accreditation system used to facilitate academic recognition. It was developed by the European Union to facilitate student mobility and to guarantee that credits passed at the host institution are recognised at home institutions.
The total number of ECTS credits of the courses taken at each university (home and host) should be minimum 30 ECTS credits. Graduate level students, too, must have a course load of minimum 30 ECTS credits. However, these courses do not have to be courses which students physically attend, and which include exams to be taken by students. If the host institution allows (not all of them do), students can carry out their thesis-related activities such as research, data collection and/or seminar at the host institution but these activities, in total, need to be allocated minimum 30 ECTS credits and this needs to be stated on the learning agreement and approved by both institutions.
Students may request the extension of their Erasmus+ mobility period. This request must be approved by 1) The host institution 2) AYBU IRO 3) The academic coordinator at AYBU. The student must inform the responsible parties regarding this request one month at the latest before the expected end of their mobility. If the request is approved, the student will have to prepare the same documents that they prepared at the beginning of their mobility and sign a new grant agreement. Students should be aware of the fact that the extended period (their second semester at the host institution) will not be granted.
The 80% of the grant money calculated over 4 months will be transferred to the student’s bank account within 30 days following the signing of the grant agreement. Following the end of the mobility, the grant amount is recalculated based on such variables as the duration of the mobility period and ECTS credits passed at the host institution. This recalculated amount, i.e. the 20% of the total grant money (if applicable), is transferred to the student’s bank account in 45 days following the submission of all the required documents and completion of the online final participant report (sent to the student’s email by EU Commission) by the student.
The grant money to be allocated to Erasmus+ students is transferred in Euros to the universities in Türkiye by the centre.
If there is a difference in their grant amount, this is related to the mobility dates on the invitation/acceptance letter and/or the student’s special case (i.e. disability).
The remaining grant is calculated based on the entry/exit stamp dates on your passport and/or your certificate of attendance and the shortest duration will be taken into account.
The Erasmus+ grant is intended as a support. It does not cover all costs. The student must be financially supported by her/his family and/or should have her/his own resources during the study period.
No. Your scholarships here in Türkiye will continue to be paid while you are abroad. This is because the financial support from Erasmus+ is not actually a scholarship. Erasmus+ student mobility is not a scholarship programme.
Yes. Following the announcement of the final results, students who are not listed as granted, can still benefit from the mobility program without grant. To do this they need inform our office via a signed petition attached to email. Their requests will be evaluated by the Erasmus+ Committee. Zero-granted applications after the period specified in the announcement will not be valid. The students evaluated positively should follow the same procedures as the granted students.
You cannot benefit from the Erasmus+ programmes (studies + internship) as a student for more than 12 months within the same study cycle.
Yes. However, you will be subject to -10 points per each previous participation in the program (studies or internship) in the same education cycle.