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Erasmus Policy Statement


Erasmus Policy Statement 

Committed to serve society by educating individuals respectful of moral and universal values who openly engage in critical thinking and decision making, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University prides itself on its strong international perspective, high quality research-based education and diversity. As the fifth state university in Ankara founded in 2010, AYBU is aware of its responsibilities and role as an educational leader and supporter of national and international economic development and advancement of education.

A principle objective of AYBU 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is to invest in broadening the scope and size of international collaborations by strengthening the ties with existing global partners and building new partnerships with higher education institutions sharing AYBU’s vision and mission for high quality research-based education in service of humanity. As an ardent supporter of the importance of internationally oriented higher education, AYBU appreciates the integral role the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education has in advocating and realisation of AYBU’s internationalisation goals.

Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University believes that collaboration with partners that have alike strategic aims is of great significance for the realisation of the crucial role internationalization of higher education has in enhancing internationally-minded human capital. Thus, AYBU’s both European and non-European partners are higher education institutions recognised for their contribution to the advancement of education through academic and scientific research, cultural activities, and positive social and international impact.

As a state university located in the capital Ankara, AYBU embraces the Republic of Turkey’s foreign policy and not only fosters respect of different cultures, religions and languages, but also has for a goal to become an educational and multi-cultural centre serving humanity by encouraging global economic enhancement and racial, religious and linguistic diversities. Situated partly in Europe and partly in Asia, Turkey’s unique geographic position reflects upon the geographic diversity of AYBU’s partners. One of AYBU’s internationalisation perspectives, for instance, is to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with the most renowned world higher education institutions in high-income countries as well as to engage in efficient and helpful collaborations with institutions from low- and middle-income countries.

AYBU values and promotes student, academic and administrative staff mobility; thus, the university is committed to extend its participation in global learning and teaching activities. Due to AYBU’s belief that engagement in global exchange brings significant innovative dimension to the university’s own educational policies, teaching and studying activities, AYBU aims at stimulating its own students and university staff members to take part in mobility programs.

Furthermore, one of AYBU’s ultimate goals regarding internationalisation is to increase the number of incoming students, foreign academic and staff members as well as to broaden its international network by building new partnerships with internationally recognised higher education institutions. Therefore, AYBU constantly increases the number of programs offered in English language and focuses on internationalisation of the curriculum. The university currently prides itself on the high-quality education in English in six of its faculties: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Aerospace Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences and Business School; and in the department of Psychology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

In addition, AYBU is also committed to provide high quality experience for incoming students, academic and staff members by the application of AYBU’s Internationalisation at Home Strategy in its 8 campuses, 13 faculties, 1 college, 1 state conservatory, 3 vocational schools, 5 institutes, 22 application and research centres; and promote unique multi-cultural environment for international as well as AYBU students and university members.

AYBU’s participation in the Erasmus+ programme has so far helped AYBU broaden its global network and accomplish its mission in the international arena. Undoubtedly, the Programme has direct impact on AYBU’s international and national profile and accomplishments.