Psychology Department

Educational Objectives

The education objective of the Psychology (English) undergraduate program conducted within the Department of Psychology at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University is to provide a scientific and academic environment to train applied and/or academic psychologists who are knowledgeable about the fundamental approaches and theories of psychology, both in theoretical and practical aspects. The program aims to equip students with competence in psychological assessment principles, designing and conducting scientific research in various subfields of psychology, reporting and interpreting the data and results obtained from these research studies, as well as knowledge and skills related to measurement and evaluation tools used in various applied areas of psychology. Additionally, the program aims to foster critical thinking skills and awareness of responsibilities towards oneself, the environment, and the society one lives in, while adhering to professional and scientific ethical principles and keeping up with the current developments in the field of psychology.

In Turkey, graduates of psychology undergraduate programs have opportunities to work in governmental institutions, private sector organizations, as well as independently. Graduates of the AYBU Psychology (English) undergraduate program can find employment in public institutions such as healthcare sector (hospitals, community mental health centers, etc.), within the Ministry of Justice in courts, correctional facilities, and rehabilitation centers, in institutions dedicated to physical and mental disabilities under the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, in nursing homes, and in project and units aimed at developing and implementing social policies. They can also work as researchers in guidance and research centers under the Ministry of National Education and, after completing the necessary teacher training, as teachers. Furthermore, graduates can contribute to psychological assessment and interventions by utilizing observation and interview skills, measurement and evaluation knowledge, within the General Directorate of Security and various military institutions. The program aims to prepare competent and adaptable psychologists who are open to learning.

In the private sector, program graduates, upon completing necessary additional trainings and requirements, can work in psychotechnical evaluation centers, private psychotherapy and mental health centers, kindergartens, special education and rehabilitation centers, private schools, human resources and public relations departments, advertising, marketing, and research centers. The program aims to provide the foundational psychology education that enables graduates to work in these fields. Moreover, the Psychology (English) undergraduate program aims to train graduates who can contribute as researchers, innovators, and advocates for the public good in projects developed within national and international civil society organizations and in the field of civil society.